在陈淮迷惑、迟疑和说不清道不明的沉重和伤感间,景象又是一变。 眼前是一个陌生的小教堂,旁边是面目模糊的牧师。 远处人声鼎沸,天空中似乎有烟火。 陈淮看到了自己,不明所以地站在教堂中间,他明明应该是主角,此时此刻,却又像是一个旁观者,眼睁睁看着自己在一切还没有明朗的时候,就近乎冲动地向前一步。 他的身侧是品种不明的繁花,耳边是牧师含混不清的证言。 ——Do you take this man ,to be your lawful wedded husband, to live together in the estate of matrimony! 居然是英语的。 陈淮不合时宜地闪过一个不伦不类地念头。 ——Will you love him ,honor him ,comfort him and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others ,be true to him as long as your both shall live?