在昏黄的路灯下他们接了一个绵长极致的吻,不远处有卖甩手粑粑的老奶奶,还有个外国佬开的移动鸡尾酒小巴士,隐隐约约传来一个男人的歌声。 他在唱—— [City of stars, Are you shining just for me. City of stars, There's so much that I can't see.] 音乐宛转悠扬,打破了这条乡间小路的静谧。 闻影舔舔嘴皮:“在这浪会儿,不急回酒店。” “好。”晏关山去买了两杯鸡尾酒回来,和闻影在街边坐下。
鸡尾酒小巴士的歌声轻轻扬扬—— [I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you. That now our dreams, They've finally come true.]
[Just one thing everybody wants, There in the barsAnd through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants. It's love, Yes all we're looking for is love from someone else.]
[A voice that says I'll be here, And you'll be alright.]