《山南水北》 第1章
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Reading this story, I truly admire and respect 姜妤笙, and I feel a bit of regret for her fate. I cried a lot while reading, especially during the part describing the ten years of separation, which was thankfully a bit short. 姜妤笙 was hurt by the person she loved and trusted. However, she doesn’t hold any resentment because she understands that no one is obligated to do anything for her, that one shouldn’t make things difficult for others because of the past, and that one shouldn’t blame fate or give in to despair due to circumstances.
To escape her mother’s pressure to marry and without help from the “sister” she trusted, the 18-year-old girl, who hadn’t even graduated high school, didn’t think about relying on others for money. Instead, she accepted a hard job as a factory worker for long hours and even sold street food after work. However, this didn’t stop her from pursuing her passion for reading and self-improvement. I truly appreciate how this character is portrayed by 闵然, especially when compared to many other stories that sacrifice character consistency for dramatic effect, forcing characters into unconvincing choices. 妤笙 consistently respects herself, whether during tough times or when she prepares to reunite with 薄苏. In love, 妤笙 is a wonderful, interesting partner who is understanding and willing to share.
薄苏 is a character with many great qualities but also flaws. She is full of emotions, demonstrates tolerance and sensitivity, yet is also filled with hesitation and constantly tries to hide her feelings. Because of her hesitation, 薄苏 suffers for over ten years. While I appreciate many aspects of her, one thing that impresses me is that she doesn’t use past actions to justify her mistakes or seek forgiveness. The postcards she collected over ten years that she never sent aren’t brought up as compensation once 妤笙 and 薄苏 rekindle their love. 薄苏 chooses to express her love for 妤笙 through actions in the present and future.
Therefore,姜妤笙 and 薄苏 are meant for each other; despite the ups and downs they face, they are destined to be together.
闵然,thank you for creating such an incredible story that deeply resonates with readers. Your writing not only evokes powerful emotions but also prompts us to reflect on the choices we make and the paths we take in life. The journey of 姜妤笙 and 薄苏 has taught me the importance of self-respect and the courage to face the past. I truly appreciate the beautiful reading experience you have provided, and I look forward to your future works!
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最后生成:2025-03-27 03:08:12
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