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首页>《倾城倾心》  第30章

作者评论 打分:0 [2024-05-25 03:17:17] 来自美国

分享一个好消息:本书的英文版Marco Polo in Love获得加州公立图书馆选为电子版藏书,在加州公立图书馆的网站皆可搜到。这是作者所收到通知的原文:Your book, Marco Polo in Love, is now available in Indie California, a collection of books from local indie authors available exclusively on the BiblioBoard Library mobile and web platform. This collection is available to patrons of participating libraries all across your state/region. That’s right, your book is now available with just one click of a button to thousands of new readers in your state/region!


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