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3、第 3 章 ...

  •   scene 3
      (the door shuted,and the soft footstep)
      tell me as more as you know.
      I know nothing.
      Nothing more than yourself.where have he been in the last thirty mintues?before the car crush?
      I told you I know nothing about it.He was involved in all by himslef!
      Oh,I see,so you don\'t follow him to Japan.kenji\'s little brother.
      No.i\'m not.
      Right,and you are really in japan .what a surprise!
      I don\'t mean this.don\'t be so ignorant.
      Kaida ?Why should I belive you?he did everything for you,even something you don\'t want know ,you should admit this.you are his only brother who still lived.
      He want stay with you.isn\'t it?nomatter where you are .you are his prewife.he awlays loving you.
      You are not jealous.
      Off course Not,although you don\'t deserve this.you don\'t belive him,you thought he kill people for bad reasons.
      Trust is a hard word for both of us. And Yes,so I want his explain.Is it too hard for him?Why he don\'t tell me he truth? the days before or the days after! Whatever,he didn\'t ,that is the important.
      You should ask.
      So what?you think when I ask he will told me all the secrets?no, I did.and he just said:belive me.
      You should.
      Too late.
      I doubt it.
      I\'m impressed,why and why?stop playing the \"acting like you are a real fool\"game.I should know the truth and I already know most of it.
      Fine,so goodbye.
      Sure ,you listen to the talk records at fiirst..

      (play the tape)
      Kenji:you are out of our mind.
      Kaida:No.I\'m not.
      Kenji :So what did u know about the truth? Tell me,my little brother.
      Kaida: Your twist family and your twist love for some stranger
      Kenji :forgive me?I don\'t know if I have been give some unnamed love to some unnamed one.
      Kaida:so stay here with us.
      Kenji :I owe him,a lot.
      Kaida:and pay for it ,all the money you have couldn\'t dismiss your debt?
      Kenji :I\'m afraid it\'s not this easy.
      Kaida:even if he didn\'t want all of those?
      Kenji:who knows,manythings I thought I didn\'t want but I real need. A ridicule,isn\'t it?all mylife it just beeb a big joke.i can\'t survived. what do you really wanted?
      Kaida:you should stay with me.the longer you live with the Glover you are turning to be more unlike yourself.
      Kenji:no matterwhat ,he is still my father.everything will be end,I will back in time,I swear.


      so what did he mean the \"end\"?
      How did you get this?you spy on us?
      No ,and answer my question and then I will answer yours.
      Much more than you can imagine.everything.
      Everythingwhat?tell me any single detail.and I get it form your big brother\'s big dady.
      He want pull his father down.
      I already know this.
      No ,you don\'t,at least before the accident.
      He failed.and...wait!so the accident may ...
      Maybe,or marbe not.
      You can wait and see.

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